im finding myself voting 10/10 and 5/5!! You're great and the ending was actually quite good!
im finding myself voting 10/10 and 5/5!! You're great and the ending was actually quite good!
YOU NEED TO MAKE A FREAKEN ALBLUM AND SELL IT AT WAL-MART!!! haha im serious about yea go do that....all of your songs should be split up into 2 CD's . This song is really cool i love the begining.
This is by far one of your best songs....ever...I mean really this is amazing. The melody, the awesomeness, teh dj-nateness. Great job man this is probably one of the 80 gajilionth times i've listened to it...again...awesome!!!
pretty fricken awesome
amazing man!! Keep it up i dont have any critizizem (ick im bad speller) for you on account this was awesome!!
lol that was hilarious! you just made my day!
nice you did great w/this remix!
hah gotta love tetris! lol good job 10/10 5/5!
damn really? i didnt think it was that good, compared to most of the other stuff up here.
How'd you freaken do that on ur third try???????????
?? lol well good job i love the drums! 10/10 5/5
Thanks so much for a review and great score. In honesty its 3 solid try, i have had many little projects as tests and learning. Been into dnb for a long time, but happy hardcore and commercial trance i love.
Your stuff is amaaaaaaaaazing! And you're like the only person w/all diamond tracks (with exception of one platinum)....U is da bomb at this! How does one become an owner of so many melodical diamonds so awesomely? lol ;P
Ahaha i know they suck but check my music?
good for a first
good job for a first...the few problems were the drums...they repeated throughout the whole song...that isn't a bad thing some of the time...another thing..the guitar parts were kinda thrown in randomly but i like the use of strings. Keep it up and you'll get good
I really like the bass and strings put into the song...i give it a 5/5 and a 10/10 it was great!
thank you for the great ratings Jackal! im really glad you liked the song.
i have a new one coming out in a couple of days it might be called Crepth- The Wrong Child
ill check out ure stuff.
Hey Jackal712 whoever is readin this...yea...hey...
Joined on 3/31/06